Louisiana Pawn Brokers Association
COVID-19 Important information
Please CLICK HERE to view office of Financial Institutions April 14, 2020 Emergency Declaration for Pawnbrokers

Please CLICK HERE to view Office Of Financial Institutions April 9, 2020 Emergency Declaration for Pawnbrokers

Please CLICK HERE to view An Important Message from the LPBA General Counsel

Please CLICK HERE to view an Office of Financial Institutions' Advisory to Pawnshops

The state of Louisiana has listed a series of individuals and activities deemed, “essential” and exempt from the State’s “Stay At Home Order.” Note on page 2 of the following that, “Financial Services and Banking Industry Employees” are exempt from the stay at home order. Taken together the Governor’s March 22, 2020 exemption, the Office of Financial Institutions exemption from the Governor’s Stay at Home Order, and the Federal CISA “Essential Business Guidelines” make it clear that pawnshops and their employees CURRENTLY are allowed to continue to provide a vital service.
Please CLICK HERE to view Pawnshop Exemption from stay at home Order

The suggestions below are provided for your consideration by Acadian Pawn of Lafayette. They are suggestions and “Food for Thought” only.
After you have reviewed please give me a call to discuss.
Please CLICK HERE to view Suggested Pawnshop Precautions

Beginning April 1, pawnbrokers must display a poster detailing Employee Rights.
The NPA :
I. Employers with fewer than 500 employees must provide paid sick leave to all employees:
Two weeks of paid sick leave (up to 80 hours depending on whether the employee is full-time or part-time) at the employee’s regular rate of pay when the employee is unable to work because of being quarantined per government order or health-care provider’s recommendation, or is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and is seeking a medical diagnosis; OR
Two weeks (up to 80 hours depending on either full- or part-time status) of paid sick leave at 2/3 of their regular rate of pay if the employee is unable to work because of a true need to care for a quarantined individual or health-care provider’s advice, to care for a son or daughter under the age of 18, or if the employee is experiencing a condition like COVID-19 specified by federal agencies (none specified yet).
Note: Part-time employees are eligible for paid leave for the number of hours worked on average over a two-week period, measured by their pay over the prior 6 months.
II. Employers with fewer than 500 employees must provide expanded paid family and medical leave to employees who were employed for at least 30 days:
Up to an additional 10 weeks of paid expanded family and medical leave at 2/3 of the employeee’s regular pay ONLY if they cannot work because of a true need to care for a son or daughter whose school is closed or their paid child-care provider is unavailable for reasons related to COVID-19. This means up to 12 weeks for full-time employees at 40 hours per week or the number of hours part-time employees normally work. This additional paid leave only applies to leave needed to care for a son or daughter under the age of 18.
III. Tax Credits to Help Employers Pay for these New Paid Leave Benefits and to Continue Health Insurance Coverage
Tax credits will apply up to the full amount paid by the employer on a dollar-for-dollar basis for qualifying wages paid under these provisions up to the per diem and overall “aggregate” payment caps. Tax credits also apply for amounts paid or incurred to maintain the employee’s health insurance coverage.
Please CLICK HERE to view the Employee Rights Poster
No credit required!
We offer collateral based loans, meaning we lend money on items that you bring in.
The loan has a 90 day term with state laws mandating a fixed interest rate.
Why use a pawn shop?
Loans are based on collateral NOT credit. Meaning you will never be hassled to pay the loan back. It is up to you!
You can also sell your item. We pay more money for items that are sold out right.
Perdido Beach Resort
Orange Beach, Alabama
The Dixie Pawnbrokers Convention is an annual Meeting, Trade Show, and Educational event held each spring.
The Dixie Pawnbrokers are a combined workforce of the Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi Pawnbroker Associations.
With these 4 states coming together for a single event, it provides for an unequaled Trade Show and Educational Opportunity.
The Convention is in the final stages of preparation.Past vendors will be emailed preliminary information.
For the most up to date information, please visit the convention website at www.DixieConvention.com.
All states are welcome to join us. If you are from another state, please send your registration to Alabama.